Sure, you’re hip to multiple facts about breastfeeding, but check out this fresh list of nursing perks that extend to both you AND your little one. Reduced ear infections? Check. Lower risk for asthma? Yup. Bump in IQ? Sure. Breastfeeding your baby brings all these benefits—plus a whole lot more. 1. A healthier baby “The incidences of…Read more
Learn About Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who don’t already have diabetes. Every year, 2% to 10% of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes. Managing gestational diabetes will help make sure you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Causes Gestational diabetes occurs…Read more
17 Healthy Ways to Deal With Menopause Symptoms
Below are 17 lifestyle changes proven healthful for the menopausal and postmenopausal years. Menopause is a normal (albeit uncomfortable) life transition, which WILL come to an end! Once you have gone an entire year without any period you have arrived at post-menopause, which is a wonderful time in life. If you smoke, stop smoking. Exercise daily…Read more
HPV and Women’s Health
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common virus that affects both males and females. There are more than 100 types of the virus. In fact, certain types of HPV cause common warts on the hands and feet. Most types of HPV are harmless, do not cause any symptoms, and go away on their own. About…Read more
Here is What Your Period Could be Telling You
Prevention Your period may show up every month and annoy you with the cramps, bloating, and fatigue that come along with it, but it deserves a little respect. Your monthly flow can actually provide a lot of insight into your overall health. For instance, if you’re struggling with irregular periods, that’s a sign you may be…Read more
8 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer You Should Not Ignore
Ovarian cancer is estimated to affect over 22,000 American women this year alone, but its early symptoms are easy to miss, making it the deadliest form of female reproductive cancer. One reason ovarian cancer isn’t typically detected until it has reached stage 3 or 4 has to do with the amount of space in the abdomen and…Read more
Pelvic Floor Exercise for Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic floor exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles come under great strain in pregnancy and childbirth. The pelvic floor consists of layers of muscles that stretch like a supportive hammock from the pubic bone (in front) to the end of the backbone. If your pelvic floor muscles are weakened,…Read more